10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul 2024)

Feed one of these foods to your molly to keep him healthy.

S. M. Rosyida by S. M. Rosyida · updated on · price $5.90 - $14.44 · 432 views · 1 visitors liked products on this page

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Comparison Table

Product Image
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Tasty Freeze-Dried Food
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Safe Formulation
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): High in Proteins Formulation
Omega One
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Omega One
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Beautiful Bright and Colors
Omega One
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Color-Enhancing Formulation
Omega One
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Rich in Nutrients Formulation
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Excellent Powdery Food
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Natural Diet Formulation
Ocean Nutrition
10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul  2024): Spirulina Included
Product Name Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Daphnia Bio-Pure FD Blood Worms Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Freeze Dried Krill Freshwater Flakes Super Color Flakes TetraMin Tropical Granules Tropical Fancy Guppy Cichlid Vegi Pellets Tetra Pro Algae
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Features Tasty Freeze-Dried Food Safe Formulation High in Proteins Formulation Rich in Vitamins and Minerals Beautiful Bright and Colors Color-Enhancing Formulation Rich in Nutrients Formulation Excellent Powdery Food Natural Diet Formulation Spirulina Included
WEIGHT 0.42 ounce n/a 1.28 oz 0.74 oz 5.3 oz 2.2 oz 3.52 oz 0.77 ounce 7 oz 95 Grams
ITEM FORM Frozen Frozen Dry Frozen Dry Flake Granule n/a Pellet n/a
FLAVOR Other Fish Other Other Other Other Fish n/a Fish Flakes
IDEAL FOR Small Breeds Small Breeds All Breed Sizes Large Breeds, Medium Breeds, All Breed Sizes All Breed Sizes All Breed Sizes Small Breeds n/a n/a All Breed Sizes
price $9.60 $5.99 $9.60 $9.60 $14.44 $8.49 $5.90 $12.54 $10.99 $13.35
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The nutrient needs of your Molly fish are critical to its long-term survival. To thrive, this type of fish needs a particular combination of plant and protein-based foods. That being stated, you must be aware of these fish’s eating habits, food, and feeding schedule. But, we all know how difficult it may be to select the right food for them. However, we can assist you; all you have to do is read our list of the Best Fish Food for Mollies, which contains 10 food products worth considering. Let’s get started!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In case you don't know...

How do you know when fish are hungry?

Fish will eat as much as they need, so provide the food in little portions. They’ve had enough when they start spitting out the food. Well, you’re feeding your fish too much if there’s food left in the tank and drifting to the bottom.

What should I look for in fish food?

Ingredients to look for include krill, herring, squid, algae, spirulina, and garlic. Those ingredients, which are often less processed than any of those found in low-quality fish food, include fewer preservatives and less fat. High-quality fish foods are also richer in fiber and protein content.

When should you feed your fish?

In nature, most fish eat in the early morning and late at night. Exceptions are herbivores and omnivores that forage throughout the day, and nocturnal species. Although aquarium fish may be fed at any time of day, the ideal times are in the morning and evening.

What types of fish food are there?

The best types of fish foods for a variety of tropical fish, saltwater, and coldwater species are Dried flake foods, pellets ( sinking or floating), freeze-dried, frozen, live foods, spirulina, and seaweed, algae wafers, and homemade foods.

10 Reviews: Best Fish Food for Mollies (Jul 2024)

HIKARI Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Daphnia - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Tasty Freeze-Dried Food

Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Daphnia

Tasty Freeze-Dried Food

1  visitors like this
price from
Our opinion:

Daphnia is small crustaceans that provide a tasty treat for your Mollies. Yes, they’re freeze-dried, which means they’re free of germs and parasites that may be found in live foods and can damage fish. At the same time, nitrogen was added to this daphnia to prevent oxidation and extend its shelf life. Furthermore, unlike many other fish meals, it will not cloud the water, decreasing the amount of stress on your filter and the amount of tank cleaning you must do.

Promising review:

My fish love this stuff. The shrimp and snail like it, too. Great for small fish and fry. It's convenient and easy to use. This is a win/win product. Supplement with flakes and pellets For complete nutrition.

by Flash Gordon

WEIGHT 0.42 ounce
IDEAL FOR Small Breeds
HIKARI Bio-Pure FD Blood Worms - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Safe Formulation

Bio-Pure FD Blood Worms

Safe Formulation

price from
Our opinion:

Mollies may be fussy eaters who like diversity, so giving them some meaty bloodworms on occasion is a great snack and reward for them. These bloodworms, like the krill and shrimp, have been freeze dried, which means they are free of bacteria and parasites and completely safe for Molly to eat.

Promising review:

Great snack for my fish. They seem to generally love it when I give them this treat.

by cestakey

IDEAL FOR Small Breeds
Omega One Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp - Best Fish Food for Mollies: High in Proteins Formulation

Omega One
Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp

High in Proteins Formulation

price from
Our opinion:

Vitamins, minerals, and proteins are high in these brine shrimp. Since they are shrimp, they are high in protein, but they also provide other nutrients that Mollies need. These brine shrimp are a tasty treat or meal complement. It’s free of parasites and germs that may be found in living foods since it’s freeze-dried. To put it another way, it’s a lot safer option to live fish.

Promising review:

Fish love this. The bottle is big with blocks of brine shrimp. Easy to break up or let a full one foot and the fish pick at it.

by Ashley Kruijs

WEIGHT 1.28 oz
IDEAL FOR All Breed Sizes
Omega One Freeze Dried Krill - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Omega One
Freeze Dried Krill

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

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Our opinion:

To be fair, these krill look a lot like the brine shrimp we looked at before. The only significant distinction is that it is a distinct animal with a unique appearance. While these krill are high in vitamins and minerals, they also contain approximately 60% pure crude protein. This implies that these krill provide enough of protein to keep your Mollies alive, thrive, and become big and strong.

Promising review:

My saltwater fish LOVE THESE! I put a few pieces in and WOW they just go crazy feeding on it. Fish are all doing well, healthy and growing and this makes up the main portion of their diet. Highly recommend to salt water fish keepers!

by Jim and Suzanne P

WEIGHT 0.74 oz
IDEAL FOR Large Breeds, Medium Breeds, All Breed Sizes
Omega One Freshwater Flakes - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Beautiful Bright and Colors

Omega One
Freshwater Flakes

Beautiful Bright and Colors

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Our opinion:

It contains a lot of plant matter, which means it’s high in vitamins and nutrients, as well as a decent quantity of meat-based protein, so your Mollies’ nutritional needs will be met without a hitch. These flakes also include a lot of beta-carotene, which is one of the primary substances that helps give your Mollies their bright and lovely colors.

Promising review:

Great price and you get a lot of fish food. I have been giving this to my fish for over 4 years and I have not had any issues with them.

by Clinton

WEIGHT 5.3 oz
IDEAL FOR All Breed Sizes
Omega One Super Color Flakes - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Color-Enhancing Formulation

Omega One
Super Color Flakes

Color-Enhancing Formulation

price from
Our opinion:

These Omega-One color flakes, as the name suggests, are high in nutrients and will make your Molly fish shine. Consider buying from this company if you want your Molly to look and feel great. Omega-one can enhance the look of your pet fish significantly. These flakes are high in omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients for fish which are excellent for your fish’s immune system.

Promising review:

Great value and the fish go nuts for this food. I tried a different food and they didn't seem to really care that it was time to eat. With this food, they go nuts and it's gone before you know it!

by Phill1728

WEIGHT 2.2 oz
IDEAL FOR All Breed Sizes
Tetra TetraMin Tropical Granules - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Rich in Nutrients Formulation

TetraMin Tropical Granules

Rich in Nutrients Formulation

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Our opinion:

TetraMin is another fish food that is ideal for Molly. This food is high in nutrients and promotes your fish to live an active lifestyle. Molly’s in their aquariums are kept alert and active thanks to the addition of omega-3! It comes in the form of granules, which have been broken down from larger flakes. As a result, Molly should be able to eat them more easily.

Promising review:

I have Angle fish and a few other big fish and they all love these and their color is so much brighter since i started using this along with their brand of crisps plus blood worms

by Michael Tolbert

WEIGHT 3.52 oz
IDEAL FOR Small Breeds
HIKARI Tropical Fancy Guppy - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Excellent Powdery Food

Tropical Fancy Guppy

Excellent Powdery Food

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Our opinion:

This brand has launched one of the healthiest meals for tropical pets, combining protein and vegetables to produce one of the tastiest molly fish foods available. In addition, the flakes are smaller than those seen in other products. In terms of consistency, they’re nearly powdery. Yet, this makes it much simpler for your pet to digest the meal.

Promising review:

My fish go nuts for this. To the point that they react very differently when I feed them a different brand dry food. This is always the one that gets them the most excited. I also like the size and the way it floats for a few seconds before slowly sinking. Everyone gets a chance to eat.

by M. E. Bennett

WEIGHT 0.77 ounce
Ocean Nutrition Cichlid Vegi Pellets - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Natural Diet Formulation

Ocean Nutrition
Cichlid Vegi Pellets

Natural Diet Formulation

price from
Our opinion:

This product, which mimics the natural diet of herbivorous cichlids, is excellent for both omnivore and herbivorous freshwater fish since it includes minerals and vitamins essential for optimal health and body function. Not only that, but it’s also packed in Spirulina, which, due to its high amounts of raw protein, vitamins, and minerals, is beneficial to the health of fish.

Promising review:

My fish love this food

by Donna Mclellan

Tetra Tetra Pro Algae  - Best Fish Food for Mollies: Spirulina Included

Tetra Pro Algae

Spirulina Included

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Our opinion:

The Tetra Pro Algae pack is another product worth checking if you’re looking for high-quality molly food. This product is designed to meet the nutritional needs of herbivorous fish, including mollies, gouramis, barbs, and Lake Malawi cichlids. It includes a concentrated dose of Spirulina, a plant that offers numerous health benefits to fish, including improved disease resistance. Spirulina also contains raw protein and essential vitamins, which are beneficial to fish’s general health.

Promising review:

My Silver Dollar's are vegetarians, and they love this food.

by DHEvans

WEIGHT 95 Grams
IDEAL FOR All Breed Sizes


Overall, you want your fish to have a long and happy life, which is why you must give them the proper conditions, whether it’s in terms of hygiene, nutrition, or even care. We hope that our list above helps you in finding the ideal food for your fish. Good luck!

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